Friday, July 23, 2010

Past the "DAnger ZOnE"!

Today I make 12 Weeks and end my First Trimester.

This is when I am supposed to shout from the roof tops and announce my pregnancy to everyone.

Well lots of people know, but I have not made a facebook announcement or anything.

Well being 12 weeks is a milestone because now, miscarriage is low and the baby will GROW GROW GROW.

I have an appointment on Monday where they will look at the baby's neck with a superpowerful sonogram and tell me the "statistical probability of him having a developmental disease."

As someone who works in insurance with all populations (including pre natal care) I believe this test in NOT MEDICALLY NECESSARY..

I mean its not even a sure fire way to know ANYTHING... who came up with this shit.. and its now a routine exam for everyone.. bULL..

Well I am going in just to get a chance to see my baby's heart beat but really I dont want to be scared of the results..

so wish me luck !


1 comment:

  1. Is that the NT scan?? That's such bullshit.. I had this test done with Gaby but not with Olivia...such a waste of time...
    I mean, it's useful for those who would abort a baby with issues, other than that.. not for me!
    Good luck!
    Why do you call the baby him?
